Thursday, August 28, 2008

The First Day of School

Can you feel it...the excitement is in the air!! My kids actually went to bed EARLY last night so that they could be up and ready for today. I have snuck out of bed slightly ahead of them so that I can enjoy my first cup of coffee, get their lunches packed and sign the cards that I bought to put in their bags. I have written their names on crayons, on Kleenex boxes and French dictionaries. They each have 12 brand new precision sharpened pencils, two new pairs of shoes (one indoor/one outdoor), new coats for when the cold winter air comes calling. I think they are prepared. It certainly was alot of work to get them here, but we all LOVE the first day of school :-)

I will post pictures after I return from dropping them off this morning. There will be no tears; just high fives, hugs, good lucks, have fun, don't forget your manners, learn lots, and play nice! I think I hear Ali just rousing and the shower beginning to run. It is official, August 28, 2008, the beginning of the next 10 months of our lives - starts now!

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1 comment:

Tannis said...

so true Kim, let the school year and all things school related begin!! Got yoiur sneakers on??