Friday, January 16, 2009

A birthday to celebrate in between Christmas installments

Dennis celebrated his 63rd birthday in style. He had coffee and donuts delivered to him in the morning by Corey, several phone calls before lunch from some of his favorite ladies, a great Asian afternoon meal with me(!), a quiet afternoon to himself, a few more phone calls, a birthday dinner at Fuddruckers, a personalized video from Linsey, a call from his sister Kay and last but not least the piece de resistance - coconut cream pie :-) Happy Birthday darling. I love you more from year to year!!

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This one needed a post all on it's own - still the Texas warm up to Christmas 2008

The reason this one needed a post all on it's own is because not only is it captured in amazing photographic fashion (thanks honey!) but it highlights that my beautiful Linsey knows the perfect way that to reach my heart. She has an incredible knack of of being able to let you know how much you are loved without saying a word! She first displayed this technique 16 Christmases ago when she gave me a wooden angel. I wept then and as can see; it wasn't the last time...

Here I am so happy to be unwrapping....

Everyone is cheering open it, open it

Oh no, I've caught a glimpse of the word GiGi

That's all it took to bring on the waterworks...

I love it!!!!!!

I couldn't be a prouder GiGi! These are all my grandson's hands and my baby granddaughter's feet. Honestly, could there be anything more precious? You can not believe how incredibly moved and touched I was, but the pictures do a pretty good job!!!

I couldn't resist scanning in a couple of photos from Christmas 1992. It appears the face I make just before I cry hasn't changed, but thank goodness the hair and the nails have!!!

I love you Linsey with all of my heart. Thank you again for EVERYTHING. Your thoughtfulness and compassion overwhelm me!

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The Texas warm up to Christmas 2008

I was very honored to be asked by Nathan to attend his last day of school Winter party. The kids all had so much fun doing puzzles, playing games - such as "velcro the carrot on the snowman" and eating lots of good yummy Christmas treats. Nathan and Josh both got a chance to take a spin and get a chance to find the perfect spot for Frosty's nose...

While Chris and Gina were attending Chris' company party, we took care of the boys and met Linsey at the Frisco Fire Station's Safety Town.l What a blast. They had it all decorated and the kids really enjoyed playing in the real fire truck and walking around the town with buildings just their size :-)

Since Linsey and Dave had a Jackson family Christmas year, we decided to hold the Gage family Christmas a little early so that we could all be together for a meal and cup of good cheer before Christmas Day actually arrived. We did have a token fire in the fireplace, it was cold enough for one, but the only one we lit during our stay. We ate wonderful stew, homemade cornbread and then we are all too full for Linsey's amazing peach cobbler! Karen and Jordan joined us and we were happy to have the house so full of laughter and love!! It was a wonderful pre-Christmas festivity and I am really glad that we were all able to say that we spent "Christmas" together!!

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Two Steps Forward One Step Back

Before adding all of my Christmas pix, I thought I would jump ahead to some family photos we had taken just after the holiday. We are at our Savannah Community Center and Amy Howe took great care in making us all look good :-) Thanks Amy!!! It was a bit windy outside, but we still managed to take advantage of the blue skies and beautiful December day for some of our shots. I am sure in years to come we will be able to look back at these and remember our first Christmas in our new house in Texas - 12/27/2008

I can't decide which one I like better!!

Our grown up Alison - love the red shoes darling!

The twins - Jack and Kathryn - sweet and sassy

Love this one of Kitty - it looks antiqued!

How's this one of our little man Jackson?

Everyone has such great posture!!! My three greatest accomplishments :-)

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

The last few things to wrap up before heading to Texas....

Here is Kitty and Wren opening presents at our Weber Family Christmas. We went to Jason and Joanne's house to celebrate and as always really enjoyed our time visiting and laughing at the kids. Jason has perfected eggnog, by the way, and I am already anticipating next year's good cheer! Love you guys ;-)

Jack and his super cool new ant farm

Alison received a beautiful purple shirt from Grandma

The Festival of Carols at TCU Place was held the afternoon before we left - here is Michael and Jack ready to sing...

Kitty can always find the camera in the crowd and she was posing for this shot :-)

Grade 3/4 French in all their glory - the looked great and sounded wonderful - such a nice treat to kick off the holidays

Here is my brood ready for the first of two planes - destination Savannah, Texas

Even Dennis is ready for the journey...

Stay tuned for all of the frolic and fun we had in Texas over the course of two very quick weeks. Time definitely flies when you are having fun :-)

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

A New Year!

Welcome to 2009 - January 3rd, 2009 to be exact. We have just returned from a wonderful trip to Texas for Christmas and New Year's. We are so lucky to have a home there close by to family and all the conveniences one would ever need! I have lots of pix and stories and good things to share, but first I must take down our tree here in Saskatchewan and tidy up so that we may put another Christmas into boxes and usher in this bright new year; plus it is -34C outside and I am not even getting dressed today :-) Happy New Year Y'all!

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