Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This one needed a post all on it's own - still the Texas warm up to Christmas 2008

The reason this one needed a post all on it's own is because not only is it captured in amazing photographic fashion (thanks honey!) but it highlights that my beautiful Linsey knows the perfect way that to reach my heart. She has an incredible knack of of being able to let you know how much you are loved without saying a word! She first displayed this technique 16 Christmases ago when she gave me a wooden angel. I wept then and as can see; it wasn't the last time...

Here I am so happy to be unwrapping....

Everyone is cheering open it, open it

Oh no, I've caught a glimpse of the word GiGi

That's all it took to bring on the waterworks...

I love it!!!!!!

I couldn't be a prouder GiGi! These are all my grandson's hands and my baby granddaughter's feet. Honestly, could there be anything more precious? You can not believe how incredibly moved and touched I was, but the pictures do a pretty good job!!!

I couldn't resist scanning in a couple of photos from Christmas 1992. It appears the face I make just before I cry hasn't changed, but thank goodness the hair and the nails have!!!

I love you Linsey with all of my heart. Thank you again for EVERYTHING. Your thoughtfulness and compassion overwhelm me!

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Linsey said...

You got me all emotional! I love you very much! First, I can't believe that you still have the pictures from Christmas '92, and that you remember what I got you. Second, I am so glad that you love the gift. I know how proud you are of all your grandbabes! I love you!

jessicawhitfield said...

that was so sweet and thoughtful :)