Thursday, April 10, 2008

Alison's Confirmation

Alison was confirmed at St. Anne's Parish on Tuesday, April 8, 2008. It was a lovely ceremony and quite a blessed evening. Dennis, who was acting as her sponsor, was on his way home from Texas and was delayed at the border (paperwork!) At 6 p.m. he phoned to say that he was 2 1/2 hours away :-( We took it in stride and said that I would stand in his place and that we would all be fine. To say we were disappointed, was an understatement. I set Jack and Kitty up as the official photographers and Ali and I took our place in the processional into the church which began at 7:30 p.m.

We celebrated with a full mass and lots of joyful music. Alison was the 7th confirmand to be called by Father Paul and literally within 20 seconds of our approach, Dennis arrived! There were a few tears and then Dennis and I were able to walk with Ali and place our right hands on her shoulders. It was awesome! Congratulations Ali for continuing your walk with God. May you be ever mindful that Dad and I are with you every step of the way!

The pics that follow are from Jack and Kitty's perspective:

Alison before donning her red cape

Jack and Kitty's self portrait in the church, while waiting patiently, of course!

Jack reflecting during a quiet moment of prayer - is that an angelic face or what?!

Ali and I in the processional

Daddy arrived just in time - priceless!

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Linsey said...

Love it! Thanks for posting the pics. You got a beautiful family...Texas family included! :)

Dee said...

Give Ali a big kiss and hug from her Auntie Dee. Tell her how much I love her and how proud I am of her becoming a young lady in the church! She has come a long way in what seems like such a short time in my mind! What a pretty young lady she has become! XOXOXO!