First off, Guliani was amazing. Loved him!!! I thought he had some great points and a really superb delivery. Nothing, however, could have prepared me for Sarah Palin. She rocked da house!!! I cried, I laughed, I cheered and I was so proud to be an American. I have waited a lot of months throughout this campaign for someone to point out the obvious about Obama - thank goodness McCain found a woman to do the job! She makes us PTA moms look good :-)
A few pundits were saying well, it was a good speech, but wait until she has to speak from the heart or the cuff. Let me tell you no one could have delivered that speech if they didn't feel it in their heart and to the very core of their belief. If I were Joe Biden not only would I get "the VP thing in writing" , I would be working something fierce on my delivery before I had to stand up and debate her in October!
I do not want to turn my blog into a political forum, however, with that being said I do have a passion for politics... I have been so charged up lately and totally consumed by the conventions! But, my PTA business ( I'm running a magazine campaign - do you think that may one day qualify me to be President?!) will be keeping me busy for the next month, so how about I check back in on this subject after the Vice Presidential debates and we'll go from there :-) Thanks for listening y'all. God Bless and God Bless America!
PS I promise pictures in my next post!!
Thanks for sharing that! I missed it but sure I could watch it on YouTube.
hey, I love sarah palin too. don't tell my granddaddy, but i may be voting republican in 08. She really worked the crowd last night, and I can't wait to hear more from her.
I'll vote for you Darlin. As long as you choose me at your veep! What a team we have eh? Not the Regan years but could work out to be the same. I'll meet you in the white house! Heheh
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