Saturday, May 24, 2008

Walking with Dinosaurs

Wow! Last night was such a treat for us :-) We went to see a traveling production of Walking with Dinosaurs. It cost 20 million dollars to develop and requires two days of set-up at the venue. They travel with thirty 18 wheelers and the venue must have a clearance of 50 feet (ours had 52!). The sounds, the lights, the dinosaurs were amazing. It is wonderful to have opportunities such as these to not only educate but entertain the kids. They couldn't stop talking about it all the way home!! I don't know that this will spark any new curiosities in our household, but certainly when the time comes for them to study history, geography, science; they will be able to recall something that they learned last night and then enhance it. Super Cool!!!

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1 comment:

Linsey said...

Wow! That looked amazing!