Saturday, May 10, 2008

A long time coming...

I am terribly sorry that it has taken me so long to post our update from the second trip to Moose Jaw! Life was obviously continuing on without us at home and I had work, a retreat day at school, another rehearsal for next weeks competition and laundry that captured my attention prior to sitting down and knocking this out!!! Kitty garnered two more first place finishes to make it a grand total of 4 for the week. She is very proud, as am I, of her job well done. The trip to Moose Jaw is an easy one, but I'll be very happy to be posting the results from the next competition right here at home. It will be nice for Dennis, Alison and Jackson to be able to show their support for Kitty as well.
So, without further adieu, I present our photo montage from Moose Jaw, SK. Enjoy!!!!

Our hotel was a spa - woo hoo!!!

Kitty in the lobby...
Look I was there too :-)
The flags of all the countries from people who have "taken of the waters".

The indoor pool is around 98 degrees and the outdoor pool 104 degrees.

A few sites...

Kitty's evening performance was "Down on the Farm". As you can see the whole barnyard was present! These 7-8 year olds won 1st place with a mark of high distinction for a score over 90.

We went to DQ for our celebratory treat for a job well done!

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1 comment:

Linsey said...

Love it! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Thanks for posting.