Sunday, October 5, 2008

No new pictures; no free time.

Life in the past week, has been , well LIFE. Totally full, totally blessed and totally crazy. Dennis and I are dividing our time between meeting friends for coffee chats a couple of times per week, trying to grab a lunch together here and there and otherwise permanently behind the wheel ferrying the kids to and fro. Our Tuesday schedule now consists of Ali swimming straight after school, changing the twins for dance and feeding them a snack while they do homework at the pool, driving them to dance, returning to pick up Ali, feeding her dinner, going to the library for homework time, dropping her off at dance when I pick up Jack and Kitty, feeding them, returning to grab Ali and home by 8:30 p.m., which we left at 8:30 a.m.!!! Not all the other days are quite as hectic, yet they all do contain some form of extracurricular this or that. So, needless to say there has been no time for candid photography lately, but I promise that once this schedule becomes a routine, and it must, I'll just throw my camera in my bag and go with it y'all!!

Peace be with you and maybe a nice glass of wine...

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