Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Canadian Thanksgiving with the Nichols

We had a bright, crisp, gorgeous fall day on which to celebrate Thanksgiving 2008. We arrived a little ahead of schedule, but we just couldn't wait to come and enjoy all the food, friendship and fun that awaited us at the Nichol's house. Tannis always spoils us with such good home cooking! Our blessings are many here in Saskatchewan, and the Nichols continue to keep their spot at the top of our list :-) Thanks y'all as always for opening up your home and your hearts to us. We love you...

Tannis and I enjoying our FIRST glass of wine prior to donning our aprons

Here is Ali, our photographer for much of the day, finding a quiet moment to capture a self portrait!

Happy Hubbys!

Happy Kids!

Taking a moment before the 10 minute mad dash to complete supper is on and having a giggle!!

The calm before the storm

The bird she is ready - yum yum!!!

Green beans and gravy - oh yeah :-)

Dennis has the power - but doesn't know where to plug it in! Any ideas, Tannis?!

Carving the bird and the assembly buffet is ready...

God is great, God is good, Thank you God for this food :-)

Working off some dinner by playing the new Wii Fit!!!!

The ladies enjoying some pumpkin pie and a quiet moment - aaaahhhh!

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1 comment:

jessicawhitfield said...

I am so hungry after lookin at all those pictures!